Definition of credence

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Credence (n.) That which gives a claim to credit, belief, or confidence; as, a letter of credence..

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Credent :: Credent (a.) Believing; giving credence; credulous.
Credit :: Credit (v. t.) To confide in the truth of; to give credence to; to put trust in; to believe.
Credence :: Credence (n.) A cupboard, sideboard, or cabinet, particularly one intended for the display of rich vessels or plate, and consisting chiefly of open shelves for that purpose..
Disbelief :: Disbelief (n.) The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief..
Discredit :: Discredit (v. t.) To refuse credence to; not to accept as true; to disbelieve; as, the report is discredited..
Prothesis :: Prothesis (n.) A credence table; -- so called by the Eastern or Greek Church.
Trust :: Trust (n.) To give credence to; to believe; to credit.
Credence :: Credence (n.) Reliance of the mind on evidence of facts derived from other sources than personal knowledge; belief; credit; confidence.
Receive :: Receive (v. t.) To allow, as a custom, tradition, or the like; to give credence or acceptance to..
Credence :: Credence (n.) The small table by the side of the altar or communion table, on which the bread and wine are placed before being consecrated..
Disbelieve :: Disbelieve (v. t.) Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.
Credence :: Credence (n.) That which gives a claim to credit, belief, or confidence; as, a letter of credence..
Credence :: Credence (v. t.) To give credence to; to believe.
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