Definition of craft

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Craft (n.) Those engaged in any trade, taken collectively; a guild; as, the craft of ironmongers..

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Craftsmen :: Craftsmen (pl. ) of Craftsma.
Handi-craftsman :: Handi-craftsman (n.) A man skilled or employed in handcraft.
Handicraft :: Handicraft (n.) A trade requiring skill of hand; manual occupation; handcraft.
Craft :: Craft (v. t.) To play tricks; to practice artifice.
Foxship :: Foxship (n.) Foxiness; craftiness.
Slape :: Slape (a.) Slippery; smooth; crafty; hypocritical.
Stave :: Stave (n.) To delay by force or craft; to drive away; -- usually with off; as, to stave off the execution of a project..
Slapeface :: Slapeface (n.) A soft-spoken, crafty hypocrite..
Water Craft :: Water craft () Any vessel or boat plying on water; vessels and boats, collectively..
Drogher :: Drogher (n.) A small craft used in the West India Islands to take off sugars, rum, etc., to the merchantmen; also, a vessel for transporting lumber, cotton, etc., coastwise; as, a lumber drogher..
Pencraft :: Pencraft (n.) The art of composing or writing; authorship.
Journeyman :: "Journeyman (n.) Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has mastered a handicraft or trade; -- distinguished from apprentice and from master workman..
Boat :: Boat (n.) A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail..
Litherly :: Litherly (a.) Crafty; cunning; mischievous; wicked; treacherous; lazy.
Craftsmanship :: Craftsmanship (n.) The work of a craftsman.
Cunning :: Cunning (a.) The faculty or act of using stratagem to accomplish a purpose; fraudulent skill or dexterity; deceit; craft.
Court-craft :: Court-craft (n.) The artifices, intrigues, and plottings, at courts..
Outwit :: Outwit (v. t.) To surpass in wisdom, esp. in cunning; to defeat or overreach by superior craft..
Panurgy :: Panurgy (n.) Skill in all kinds of work or business; craft.
Quaintise :: Quaintise (n.) Craft; subtlety; cunning.
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