Definition of crack

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Crack (n.) A sharp, sudden sound or report; the sound of anything suddenly burst or broken; as, the crack of a falling house; the crack of thunder; the crack of a whip..

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Chink :: Chink (v. i.) To crack; to open.
Pearlstone :: Pearlstone (n.) A glassy volcanic rock of a grayish color and pearly luster, often having a spherulitic concretionary structure due to the curved cracks produced by contraction in cooling. See Illust. under Perlitic..
Firecracker :: Firecracker (n.) See Cracker., n., 3..
Crack :: Crack (n.) Rupture; flaw; breach, in a moral sense..
Cracker :: Cracker (n.) A noisy boaster; a swaggering fellow.
Snap :: Snap (v. t.) A sharp, abrupt sound, as that made by the crack of a whip; as, the snap of the trigger of a gun..
Cleft :: Cleft (n.) A space or opening made by splitting; a crack; a crevice; as, the cleft of a rock..
Gimcrack :: Gimcrack (n.) A trivial mechanism; a device; a toy; a pretty thing.
Wit-snapper :: Wit-snapper (n.) One who affects repartee; a wit-cracker.
Crack-brained :: Crack-brained (a.) Having an impaired intellect; whimsical; crazy.
Crackle :: Crackle (v. i.) To make slight cracks; to make small, sharp, sudden noises, rapidly or frequently repeated; to crepitate; as, burning thorns crackle..
Chap :: Chap (n.) A cleft, crack, or chink, as in the surface of the earth, or in the skin..
Cracker :: Cracker (n.) A thin, dry biscuit, often hard or crisp; as, a Boston cracker; a Graham cracker; a soda cracker; an oyster cracker..
Batten :: Batten (n .) A strip of sawed stuff, or a scantling; as, (a) pl. (Com. & Arch.) Sawed timbers about 7 by 2 1/2 inches and not less than 6 feet long. Brande & C. (b) (Naut.) A strip of wood used in fastening the edges of a tarpaulin to the deck, also around masts to prevent chafing. (c) A long, thin strip used to strengthen a part, to cover a crack, etc..
Rime :: Rime (n.) A rent or long aperture; a chink; a fissure; a crack.
Nutcracker :: Nutcracker (n.) An instrument for cracking nuts.
Cry :: Cry (v. i.) The crackling noise made by block tin when it is bent back and forth.
Crack :: Crack (n.) Breach of chastity.
Choppy :: Choppy (a.) Full of cracks.
Chop :: Chop (n.) A crack or cleft. See Chap.
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