Definition of agoing

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Agoing (adv.) In motion; in the act of going; as, to set a mill agoing..

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Seagoing :: Seagoing (a.) Going upon the sea; especially, sailing upon the deep sea; -- used in distinction from coasting or river, as applied to vessels..
Raise :: Raise (v. t.) To give rise to; to set agoing; to occasion; to start; to originate; as, to raise a smile or a blush..
Yacht :: Yacht (n.) A light and elegantly furnished vessel, used either for private parties of pleasure, or as a vessel of state to convey distinguished persons from one place to another; a seagoing vessel used only for pleasure trips, racing, etc..
Steamy :: Steamship (n.) A ship or seagoing vessel propelled by the power of steam; a steamer.
Agoing :: Agoing (adv.) In motion; in the act of going; as, to set a mill agoing..
Seaport :: Seaport (n.) A port on the seashore, or one accessible for seagoing vessels. Also used adjectively; as, a seaport town..
Ship :: Ship (n.) Any large seagoing vessel.
Agate :: Agate (adv.) On the way; agoing; as, to be agate; to set the bells agate..
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