Definition of counterpart

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Counterpart (n.) One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a duplicate.

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Counterfeit :: Counterfeit (n.) That which resembles or is like another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart.
Double :: Double (n.) Something precisely equal or counterpart to another; a counterpart. Hence, a wraith..
Like :: Like (n.) That which is equal or similar to another; the counterpart; an exact resemblance; a copy.
Pendant :: Pendant (n.) One of a pair; a counterpart; as, one vase is the pendant to the other vase..
Magneto-electricity :: Magneto-electricity (n.) That branch of science which treats of the development of electricity by the action of magnets; -- the counterpart of electro-magnetism.
Pair :: Pair (v. i.) To suit; to fit, as a counterpart..
Twinlike :: Twinlike (a.) Closely resembling; being a counterpart.
Check :: Check (v. t.) To verify, to guard, to make secure, by means of a mark, token, or other check; to distinguish by a check; to put a mark against (an item) after comparing with an original or a counterpart in order to secure accuracy; as, to check an account; to check baggage..
Chirograph :: Chirograph (n.) A writing which, requiring a counterpart, was engrossed twice on the same piece of parchment, with a space between, in which was written the word chirographum, through which the parchment was cut, and one part given to each party. It answered to what is now called a charter party..
Represent :: Represent (v. t.) To present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify.
Rescript :: Rescript (v. t.) A counterpart.
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) An image given back from a reflecting surface; a reflected counterpart.
Counterpart :: Counterpart (n.) A person who closely resembles another.
Indenture :: Indenture (n.) A mutual agreement in writing between two or more parties, whereof each party has usually a counterpart or duplicate; sometimes in the pl., a short form for indentures of apprenticeship, the contract by which a youth is bound apprentice to a master..
Duplicate :: Duplicate (n.) That which exactly resembles or corresponds to something else; another, correspondent to the first; hence, a copy; a transcript; a counterpart..
Counterpane :: Counterpane (n.) A duplicate part or copy of an indenture, deed, etc., corresponding with the original; -- now called counterpart..
Counterpart :: Counterpart (n.) A thing may be applied to another thing so as to fit perfectly, as a seal to its impression; hence, a thing which is adapted to another thing, or which supplements it; that which serves to complete or complement anything; hence, a person or thing having qualities lacking in another; an opposite..
Counterpart :: Counterpart (n.) One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a duplicate.
Counterpart :: Counterpart (n.) A part corresponding to another part; anything which answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile..
Parallel :: Parallel (n.) Anything equal to, or resembling, another in all essential particulars; a counterpart..
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