Definition of corf

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Corf (n.) A basket.

Lern More About Corf

Corf :: Corf (n.) A wooden frame, sled, or low-wheeled wagon, to convey coal or ore in the mines..
Corb :: Corb (n.) A basket used in coal mines, etc. see Corf..
Corf :: Corf (n.) A large basket used in carrying or hoisting coal or ore.
Token :: Token (n.) A bit of leather having a peculiar mark designating a particular miner. Each hewer sends one of these with each corf or tub he has hewn.
Corve :: Corve (n.) See Corf.
Corfute :: Corfute (n.) A native or inhabitant of Corfu, an island in the Mediterranean Sea..
Corf :: Corf (n.) A basket.
Corfiote :: Corfiote (n.) Alt. of Corfut.
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