Definition of convoy

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Convoy (n.) A protection force accompanying ships, etc., on their way from place to place, by sea or land; an escort, for protection or guidance..

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Safe-conduct :: Safe-conduct (n.) a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign countr.
Convoy :: Convoy (n.) The act of attending for defense; the state of being so attended; protection; escort.
Convoy :: Convoy (n.) A drag or brake applied to the wheels of a carriage, to check their velocity in going down a hill..
Convoying :: Convoying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Convo.
Convoyed :: Convoyed (imp. & p. p.) of Convo.
Safeguard :: Safeguard (n.) A convoy or guard to protect a traveler or property.
Convey :: Convey (v. t.) To accompany; to convoy.
Convoy :: Convoy (v. t.) To accompany for protection, either by sea or land; to attend for protection; to escort; as, a frigate convoys a merchantman..
Convoy :: Convoy (n.) A vessel or fleet, or a train or trains of wagons, employed in the transportation of munitions of war, money, subsistence, clothing, etc., and having an armed escort..
Escort :: Escort (n.) A body of armed men to attend a person of distinction for the sake of affording safety when on a journey; one who conducts some one as an attendant; a guard, as of prisoners on a march; also, a body of persons, attending as a mark of respect or honor; -- applied to movements on land, as convoy is to movements at sea..
Sternness :: Sternmost (a.) Farthest in the rear; farthest astern; as, the sternmost ship in a convoy..
Convoy :: Convoy (n.) A protection force accompanying ships, etc., on their way from place to place, by sea or land; an escort, for protection or guidance..
Quarter :: Quarter (n.) The encampment on one of the principal passages round a place besieged, to prevent relief and intercept convoys..
Convoy :: Convoy (n.) Conveyance; means of transportation.
Conduct :: Conduct (n.) Convoy; escort; guard; guide.
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