Definition of conveyance

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Conveyance (n.) The act or process of transferring, transmitting, handing down, or communicating; transmission..

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Charter :: Charter (n.) A written evidence in due form of things done or granted, contracts made, etc., between man and man; a deed, or conveyance..
Conveyance :: Conveyance (n.) The act by which the title to property, esp. real estate, is transferred; transfer of ownership; an instrument in writing (as a deed or mortgage), by which the title to property is conveyed from one person to another..
Passage :: Passage (v. i.) Transit by means of conveyance; journey, as by water, carriage, car, or the like; travel; right, liberty, or means, of passing; conveyance..
Catafalque :: Catafalque (n.) A temporary structure sometimes used in the funeral solemnities of eminent persons, for the public exhibition of the remains, or their conveyance to the place of burial..
Telpher :: Telpher (n.) A contrivance for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by means of electricity.
Demissionary :: Demissionary (a.) Pertaining to transfer or conveyance; as, a demissionary deed..
Ticket :: Ticket (v.) A certificate or token of right of admission to a place of assembly, or of passage in a public conveyance; as, a theater ticket; a railroad or steamboat ticket..
Redemise :: Redemise (n.) The transfer of an estate back to the person who demised it; reconveyance; as, the demise and redemise of an estate. See under Demise..
Defeasance :: Defeasance (n.) A condition, relating to a deed, which being performed, the deed is defeated or rendered void; or a collateral deed, made at the same time with a feoffment, or other conveyance, containing conditions, on the performance of which the estate then created may be defeated..
Conveyance :: Conveyance (n.) The act or process of transferring, transmitting, handing down, or communicating; transmission..
Boatage :: Boatage (n.) Conveyance by boat; also, a charge for such conveyance..
Consignment :: Consignment (n.) That which is consigned; the goods or commodities sent or addressed to a consignee at one time or by one conveyance.
Alienation :: Alienation (n.) A transfer of title, or a legal conveyance of property to another..
Pass :: Pass (v. t.) To cause to obtain entrance, admission, or conveyance; as, to pass a person into a theater, or over a railroad..
Conveyance :: Conveyance (n.) The instrument or means of carrying or transporting anything from place to place; the vehicle in which, or means by which, anything is carried from one place to another; as, stagecoaches, omnibuses, etc., are conveyances; a canal or aqueduct is a conveyance for water..
Unfrankable :: Unfrankable (a.) Not frankable; incapable of being sent free by public conveyance.
Demise :: Demise (n.) The conveyance or transfer of an estate, either in fee for life or for years, most commonly the latter..
Raft :: Raft (n.) A collection of logs, boards, pieces of timber, or the like, fastened together, either for their own collective conveyance on the water, or to serve as a support in conveying other things; a float..
Mortgage :: Mortgage (v. t.) To grant or convey, as property, for the security of a debt, or other engagement, upon a condition that if the debt or engagement shall be discharged according to the contract, the conveyance shall be void, otherwise to become absolute, subject, however, to the right of redemption..
Telpherage :: Telpherage (n.) The conveyance of vehicles or loads by means of electricity.
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