Passe Partout :: Passe partout (n.) A light picture frame or mat of cardboard, wood, or the like, usually put between the picture and the glass, and sometimes serving for several pictures..
Setout :: Setout (n.) A display, as of plate, equipage, etc.; that which is displayed..
Stoutness :: Stoutly (adv.) In a stout manner; lustily; boldly; obstinately; as, he stoutly defended himself..
Surtout :: Surtax (v. t.) To impose an additional tax on.
Tout :: Tout (v. i.) To act as a tout. See 2d Tout.
Tout :: Tout (v. i.) To ply or seek for customers.
Tout :: Tout (n.) One who secretly watches race horses which are in course of training, to get information about their capabilities, for use in betting..
Tout-ensemble :: Tout-ensemble (n.) All together; hence, in costume, the fine arts, etc., the general effect of a work as a whole, without regard to the execution of the separate perts..
Touter :: Touter (n.) One who seeks customers, as for an inn, a public conveyance, shops, and the like: hence, an obtrusive candidate for office..