Definition of contradictory

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Contradictory (n.) A proposition or thing which denies or opposes another; contrariety.

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Contradictorily :: Contradictorily (adv.) In a contradictory manner.
Contradictory :: Contradictory (n.) propositions with the same terms, but opposed to each other both in quality and quantity..
Negative :: Negative (n.) A proposition by which something is denied or forbidden; a conception or term formed by prefixing the negative particle to one which is positive; an opposite or contradictory term or conception.
Self-contradictory :: Self-contradictory (a.) Contradicting one's self or itself.
Contradictory :: Contradictory (a.) Opposing or opposed; repugnant.
Conflicting :: Conflicting (a.) Being in conflict or collision, or in opposition; contending; contradictory; incompatible; contrary; opposing..
Crimp :: Crimp (a.) Weak; inconsistent; contradictory.
Absurd :: Absurd (a.) Contrary to reason or propriety; obviously and fiatly opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with the plain dictates of common sense; logically contradictory; nonsensical; ridiculous; as, an absurd person, an absurd opinion; an absurd dream..
Contraposition :: Contraposition (n.) A so-called immediate inference which consists in denying the original subject of the contradictory predicate; e.g.: Every S is P; therefore, no Not-P is S..
Cross-purpose :: Cross-purpose (n.) A counter or opposing purpose; hence, that which is inconsistent or contradictory..
Inconsistent :: Inconsistent (a.) Not consistent; showing inconsistency; irreconcilable; discordant; at variance, esp. as regards character, sentiment, or action; incompatible; incongruous; contradictory..
Contradictory :: Contradictory (n.) A proposition or thing which denies or opposes another; contrariety.
Contradictional :: Contradictional (a.) Contradictory; inconsistent; opposing.
Paradox :: Paradox (n.) A tenet or proposition contrary to received opinion; an assertion or sentiment seemingly contradictory, or opposed to common sense; that which in appearance or terms is absurd, but yet may be true in fact..
Self-repugnant :: Self-repugnant (a.) Self-contradictory; inconsistent.
Contradictory :: Contradictory (a.) Affirming the contrary; implying a denial of what has been asserted; also, mutually contradicting; inconsistent..
Contrariant :: Contrariant (a.) Contrary; opposed; antagonistic; inconsistent; contradictory.
Contradictoriness :: Contradictoriness (n.) The quality of being contradictory; opposition; inconsistency.
Contradictive :: Contradictive (a.) Contradictory; inconsistent.
Consistent :: Consistent (a.) Having agreement with itself or with something else; having harmony among its parts; possesing unity; accordant; harmonious; congruous; compatible; uniform; not contradictory.
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