Definition of construct

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Construct (a.) Formed by, or relating to, construction, interpretation, or inference..

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Parallelism :: Parallelism (n.) Similarity of construction or meaning of clauses placed side by side, especially clauses expressing the same sentiment with slight modifications, as is common in Hebrew poetry; e. g.: --//At her feet he bowed, he fell:/Where he bowed, there he fell down dead. Judg. v. 27..
Law :: Law (n.) In arts, works, games, etc.: The rules of construction, or of procedure, conforming to the conditions of success; a principle, maxim; or usage; as, the laws of poetry, of architecture, of courtesy, or of whist..
Plasterwork :: Plasterwork (n.) Plastering used to finish architectural constructions, exterior or interior, especially that used for the lining of rooms. Ordinarly, mortar is used for the greater part of the work, and pure plaster of Paris for the moldings and ornaments..
Fabric :: Fabric (n.) The act of constructing; construction.
Construction :: Construction (n.) The process or art of constructing; the act of building; erection; the act of devising and forming; fabrication; composition.
Liberal :: Liberal (a.) Not strict or rigorous; not confined or restricted to the literal sense; free; as, a liberal translation of a classic, or a liberal construction of law or of language..
Chorograph :: Chorograph (n.) An instrument for constructing triangles in marine surveying, etc..
Troglodyte :: Troglodyte (n.) One of any savage race that dwells in caves, instead of constructing dwellings; a cave dweller. Most of the primitive races of man were troglodytes..
Slide :: Slide (n.) An inclined plane on which heavy bodies slide by the force of gravity, esp. one constructed on a mountain side for conveying logs by sliding them down..
Constructive :: Constructive (a.) Derived from, or depending on, construction or interpretation; not directly expressed, but inferred..
Rebuild :: Rebuild (v. t.) To build again, as something which has been demolished; to construct anew; as, to rebuild a house, a wall, a wharf, or a city..
Grammarian :: Grammarian (n.) One versed in grammar, or the construction of languages; a philologist..
Constructional :: Constructional (a.) Pertaining to, or deduced from, construction or interpretation..
Priapean :: Priapean (n.) A species of hexameter verse so constructed as to be divisible into two portions of three feet each, having generally a trochee in the first and the fourth foot, and an amphimacer in the third; -- applied also to a regular hexameter verse when so constructed as to be divisible into two portions of three feet each..
Engineer :: Engineer (v. t.) To lay out or construct, as an engineer; to perform the work of an engineer on; as, to engineer a road..
Fake :: Fake (v. t.) To make; to construct; to do.
Structure :: Structure (n.) The act of building; the practice of erecting buildings; construction.
Railroading :: Railroading (n.) The construction of a railroad; the business of managing or operating a railroad.
Built :: Built (a.) Formed; shaped; constructed; made; -- often used in composition and preceded by the word denoting the form; as, frigate-built, clipper-built, etc..
Sextant :: Sextant (n.) An instrument for measuring angular distances between objects, -- used esp. at sea, for ascertaining the latitude and longitude. It is constructed on the same optical principle as Hadley's quadrant, but usually of metal, with a nicer graduation, telescopic sight, and its arc the sixth, and sometimes the third, part of a circle. See Quadrant..
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