Definition of conservatory

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Conservatory (n.) A place for preserving anything from loss, decay, waste, or injury; particulary, a greenhouse for preserving exotic or tender plants..

Lern More About Conservatory

Conserve :: Conserve (n.) A conservatory.
Conservatoire :: Conservatoire (n.) A public place of instruction in any special branch, esp. music and the arts. [See Conservatory, 3]..
Conservatory :: Conservatory (a.) Having the quality of preserving from loss, decay, or injury..
Cobaea :: Cobaea (n.) A genus of climbing plants, native of Mexico and South America. C. scandens is a conservatory climber with large bell-shaped flowers..
Conservatory :: Conservatory (n.) A place for preserving anything from loss, decay, waste, or injury; particulary, a greenhouse for preserving exotic or tender plants..
Conservatory :: Conservatory (n.) That which preserves from injury.
Conservatory :: Conservatory (n.) A public place of instruction, designed to preserve and perfect the knowledge of some branch of science or art, esp. music..
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