Definition of congregation

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Congregation (n.) A collection or mass of separate things.

Lern More About Congregation

Congregational :: Congregational (a.) Of or pertaining to a congregation; conducted, or participated in, by a congregation; as, congregational singing..
Congregationalism :: Congregationalism (n.) That system of church organization which vests all ecclesiastical power in the assembled brotherhood of each local church.
Yearbook :: Yearbook (n.) A book published yearly; any annual report or summary of the statistics or facts of a year, designed to be used as a reference book; as, the Congregational Yearbook..
Congregation :: Congregation (n.) The act of congregating, or bringing together, or of collecting into one aggregate or mass..
Maurist :: Maurist (n.) A member of the Congregation of Saint Maur, an offshoot of the Benedictines, originating in France in the early part of the seventeenth century. The Maurists have been distinguished for their interest in literature..
Congregation :: Congregation (n.) The assemblage of Masters and Doctors at Oxford or Cambrige University, mainly for the granting of degrees..
Congregational :: Congregational (a.) Belonging to the system of Congregationalism, or to Congregationalist; holding to the faith and polity of Congregationalism; as, a Congregational church..
Synagogue :: Synagogue (n.) A congregation in the early Christian church.
General :: General (a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule..
Congregation :: Congregation (n.) the name assumed by the Protestant party under John Knox. The leaders called themselves (1557) Lords of the Congregation.
Propaganda :: Propaganda (n.) A congregation of cardinals, established in 1622, charged with the management of missions..
Intrusion :: Intrusion (n.) The settlement of a minister over 3 congregation without their consent.
Litany :: Litany (n.) A solemn form of supplication in the public worship of various churches, in which the clergy and congregation join, the former leading and the latter responding in alternate sentences. It is usually of a penitential character..
Roaring :: Roaring (n.) A loud, deep, prolonged sound, as of a large beast, or of a person in distress, anger, mirth, etc., or of a noisy congregation..
Association :: Association (n.) Union of persons in a company or society for some particular purpose; as, the American Association for the Advancement of Science; a benevolent association. Specifically, as among the Congregationalists, a society, consisting of a number of ministers, generally the pastors of neighboring churches, united for promoting the interests of religion and the harmony of the churches..
Flock :: Flock (n.) A Christian church or congregation; considered in their relation to the pastor, or minister in charge..
Deaconess :: Deaconess (n.) A woman chosen as a helper in church work, as among the Congregationalists..
Congregation :: Congregation (n.) A collection or mass of separate things.
Synagogue :: Synagogue (n.) A congregation or assembly of Jews met for the purpose of worship, or the performance of religious rites..
Parish :: Parish (n.) An ecclesiastical society, usually not bounded by territorial limits, but composed of those persons who choose to unite under the charge of a particular priest, clergyman, or minister; also, loosely, the territory in which the members of a congregation live..
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