Definition of conform

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Conform (v. i.) To comply with the usages of the Established Church; to be a conformist.

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Conformity :: Conformity (n.) Compliance with the usages of the Established Church.
After :: After (prep.) According to; in accordance with; in conformity with the nature of; as, he acted after his kind..
Justness :: "Justness (n.) The quality of being just; conformity to truth, propriety, accuracy, exactness, and the like; justice; reasonableness; fairness; equity; as, justness of proportions; the justness of a description or representation; the justness of a cause..
Allopathically :: Allopathically (adv.) In a manner conformable to allopathy; by allopathic methods.
Nonconformity :: Nonconformity (n.) Neglect or failure of conformity; especially, in England, the neglect or refusal to unite with the established church in its rites and modes of worship..
Agreeably :: Agreeably (adv.) In accordance; suitably; consistently; conformably; -- followed by to and rarely by with. See Agreeable, 4..
Conforming :: Conforming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Confor.
Keeping :: Keeping (n.) Conformity; congruity; harmony; consistency; as, these subjects are in keeping with each other..
Observe :: Observe (v. t.) To take notice of by appropriate conduct; to conform one's action or practice to; to keep; to heed; to obey; to comply with; as, to observe rules or commands; to observe civility..
Socinianize :: Socinianize (v. t.) To cause to conform to Socinianism; to regulate by, or imbue with, the principles of Socinianism..
Professional :: Professional (a.) Of or pertaining to a profession, or calling; conforming to the rules or standards of a profession; following a profession; as, professional knowledge; professional conduct..
Right :: Right (a.) Conformed to the constitution of man and the will of God, or to justice and equity; not deviating from the true and just; according with truth and duty; just; true..
Parallel :: Parallel (n.) Direction conformable to that of another line,.
Rectitude :: Rectitude (n.) Rightness of principle or practice; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws; uprightness of mind; uprightness; integrity; honesty; justice..
Just :: Just (a.) Conforming or conformable to rectitude or justice; not doing wrong to any; violating no right or obligation; upright; righteous; honest; true; -- said both of persons and things.
Normal :: Normal (a.) According to an established norm, rule, or principle; conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural; analogical..
Solemn :: Solemn (a.) Made in form; ceremonious; as, solemn war; conforming with all legal requirements; as, probate in solemn form..
Papized :: Papized (a.) Conformed to popery.
Poor :: Poor (superl.) Without prosperous conditions or good results; unfavorable; unfortunate; unconformable; as, a poor business; the sick man had a poor night..
Live :: Live (v. t.) To act habitually in conformity with; to practice.
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