Definition of unnatural

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Unnatural (a.) Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes..

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Violent :: Violent (a.) Produced or effected by force; not spontaneous; unnatural; abnormal.
Untimely :: Untimely (a.) Not timely; done or happening at an unnatural, unusual, or improper time; unseasonable; premature; inopportune; as, untimely frosts; untimely remarks; an untimely death..
Disnatured :: Disnatured (a.) Deprived or destitute of natural feelings; unnatural.
Inflame :: Inflame (v. t.) Fig.: To kindle or intensify, as passion or appetite; to excite to an excessive or unnatural action or heat; as, to inflame desire..
Denaturalize :: Denaturalize (v. t.) To render unnatural; to alienate from nature.
Conceit :: Conceit (n.) A fanciful, odd, or extravagant notion; a quant fancy; an unnatural or affected conception; a witty thought or turn of expression; a fanciful device; a whim; a quip..
Unnatural :: Unnatural (a.) Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes..
Bugger :: Bugger (n.) One guilty of buggery or unnatural vice; a sodomite.
Bestiality :: Bestiality (n.) Unnatural connection with a beast.
Unkindly :: Unkindly (a.) Unnatural; contrary to nature.
Spasm :: Spasm (v. t.) An involuntary and unnatural contraction of one or more muscles or muscular fibers.
Make :: Make (v. t.) To produce, as something artificial, unnatural, or false; -- often with up; as, to make up a story..
Epigene :: Epigene (a.) Foreign; unnatural; unusual; -- said of forms of crystals not natural to the substances in which they are found.
Unkind :: Unkind (a.) Not kind; contrary to nature, or the law of kind or kindred; unnatural..
Monster :: Monster (n.) Something of unnatural size, shape, or quality; a prodigy; an enormity; a marvel..
Buggery :: Buggery (n.) Unnatural sexual intercourse; sodomy.
Monstrously :: Monstrously (adv.) In a monstrous manner; unnaturally; extraordinarily; as, monstrously wicked..
Cataphysical :: Cataphysical (a.) Unnatural; contrary to nature.
Unction :: Unction (n.) That quality in language, address, or the like, which excites emotion; especially, strong devotion; religious fervor and tenderness; sometimes, a simulated, factitious, or unnatural fervor..
Pant :: Pant (v. i.) To beat with unnatural violence or rapidity; to palpitate, or throb; -- said of the heart..
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