Definition of confection

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Confection (n.) A soft solid made by incorporating a medicinal substance or substances with sugar, sirup, or honey..

Lern More About Confection

Caraway :: Caraway (n.) A biennial plant of the Parsley family (Carum Carui). The seeds have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste. They are used in cookery and confectionery, and also in medicine as a carminative..
Confectionary :: Confectionary (a.) Prepared as a confection.
Confection :: Confection (n.) A preparation of fruits or roots, etc., with sugar; a sweetmeat..
Confectionery :: Confectionery (n.) Sweetmeats, in general; things prepared and sold by a confectioner; confections; candies..
Magma :: Magma (n.) A salve or confection of thick consistency.
Alkermes :: Alkermes (n.) A compound cordial, in the form of a confection, deriving its name from the kermes insect, its principal ingredient..
Confection :: Confection (n.) A soft solid made by incorporating a medicinal substance or substances with sugar, sirup, or honey..
Confect :: Confect (n.) A comfit; a confection.
Tablet :: Tablet (n.) A solid kind of electuary or confection, commonly made of dry ingredients with sugar, and usually formed into little flat squares; -- called also lozenge, and troche, especially when of a round or rounded form..
Peppermint :: Peppermint (n.) An aromatic and pungent plant of the genus Mentha (M. piperita), much used in medicine and confectionery..
Confectionery :: Confectionery (n.) A place where candies, sweetmeats, and similar things are made or sold..
Sweet :: Sweet (n.) Confectionery, sweetmeats, preserves, etc..
Frutage :: Frutage (n.) A confection of fruit.
Confiture :: Confiture (n.) Composition; preparation, as of a drug, or confection; a sweetmeat..
Confection :: Confection (n.) A composition of different materials.
Cimbal :: Cimbal (n.) A kind of confectionery or cake.
Succedane :: Succade (n.) Sweetmeats, or preserves in sugar, whether fruit, vegetables, or confections..
Marmalade :: Marmalade (n.) A preserve or confection made of the pulp of fruit, as the quince, pear, apple, orange, etc., boiled with sugar, and brought to a jamlike consistence..
Sweetmeat :: Sweetmeat (n.) Fruit preserved with sugar, as peaches, pears, melons, nuts, orange peel, etc.; -- usually in the plural; a confect; a confection..
Confection :: Confection (n.) A composition of drugs.
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