Definition of abject

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Abject (a.) To cast off or down; hence, to abase; to degrade; to lower; to debase..

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Grovel :: Grovel (adv.) To creep on the earth, or with the face to the ground; to lie prone, or move uneasily with the body prostrate on the earth; to lie fiat on one's belly, expressive of abjectness; to crawl..
Grovel :: Grovel (adv.) To tend toward, or delight in, what is sensual or base; to be low, abject, or mean..
Abjection :: Abjection (n.) The act of bringing down or humbling.
Lick-spittle :: Lick-spittle (n.) An abject flatterer or parasite.
Fetishism :: Fetishism (n.) Excessive devotion to one object or one idea; abject superstition; blind adoration.
Abject :: Abject (a.) Cast down; low-lying.
Abject :: Abject (a.) Sunk to a law condition; down in spirit or hope; degraded; servile; groveling; despicable; as, abject posture, fortune, thoughts..
Abasedly :: Abasedly (adv.) Abjectly; downcastly.
Groveler :: Groveler (n.) One who grovels; an abject wretch.
Abjectedness :: Abjectedness (n.) A very abject or low condition; abjectness.
Abjection :: Abjection (n.) A low or downcast state; meanness of spirit; abasement; degradation.
Abjection :: Abjection (n.) The state of being rejected or cast out.
Contemptible :: Contemptible (a.) Despised; scorned; neglected; abject.
Abjectly :: Abjectly (adv.) Meanly; servilely.
Abject :: Abject (a.) To cast off or down; hence, to abase; to degrade; to lower; to debase..
Point :: Point (n.) To direct toward an abject; to aim; as, to point a gun at a wolf, or a cannon at a fort..
Slave :: Slave (n.) An abject person; a wretch.
Underfoot :: Underfoot (a.) Low; base; abject; trodden down.
Abjectness :: Abjectness (n.) The state of being abject; abasement; meanness; servility.
Abject :: Abject (n.) A person in the lowest and most despicable condition; a castaway.
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