Definition of concussion

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Concussion (n.) A shaking or agitation; a shock; caused by the collision of two bodies.

Lern More About Concussion

Earthquake :: Earthquake (n.) A shaking, trembling, or concussion of the earth, due to subterranean causes, often accompanied by a rumbling noise. The wave of shock sometimes traverses half a hemisphere, destroying cities and many thousand lives; -- called also earthdin, earthquave, and earthshock..
Shock :: Shock (n.) The sudden convulsion or contraction of the muscles, with the feeling of a concussion, caused by the discharge, through the animal system, of electricity from a charged body..
Bufferhead :: Bufferhead (n.) The head of a buffer, which recieves the concussion, in railroad carriages..
Seismometer :: Seismometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the direction, duration, and force of earthquakes and like concussions..
Spring :: Spring (v. i.) An elastic body of any kind, as steel, India rubber, tough wood, or compressed air, used for various mechanical purposes, as receiving and imparting power, diminishing concussion, regulating motion, measuring weight or other force..
Shock :: Shock (n.) A quivering or shaking which is the effect of a blow, collision, or violent impulse; a blow, impact, or collision; a concussion; a sudden violent impulse or onset..
Bang :: Bang (n.) The sound produced by a sudden concussion.
Icequake :: Icequake (n.) The crash or concussion attending the breaking up of masses of ice, -- often due to contraction from extreme cold..
Shog :: Shog (n.) A shock; a jog; a violent concussion or impulse.
Contrecoup :: Contrecoup (n.) A concussion or shock produced by a blow or other injury, in a part or region opposite to that at which the blow is received, often causing rupture or disorganisation of the parts affected..
Concussion :: Concussion (n.) A shaking or agitation; a shock; caused by the collision of two bodies.
Water Hammer :: Water hammer () A concussion, or blow, made by water in striking, as against the sides of a pipe or vessel containing it..
Concussion :: Concussion (n.) A condition of lowered functional activity, without visible structural change, produced in an organ by a shock, as by fall or blow; as, a concussion of the brain..
Concussion :: Concussion (n.) The unlawful forcing of another by threats of violence to yield up something of value.
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