Definition of concerto

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of concerto is as below...

Concerto (n.) A composition (usually in symphonic form with three movements) in which one instrument (or two or three) stands out in bold relief against the orchestra, or accompaniment, so as to display its qualities or the performer's skill..

Lern More About Concerto

Concertino :: Concertino (n.) A piece for one or more solo instruments with orchestra; -- more concise than the concerto.
Finale :: Finale (n.) The last movement of a symphony, sonata, concerto, or any instrumental composition..
Concertos :: Concertos (pl. ) of Concert.
Concerto :: Concerto (n.) A composition (usually in symphonic form with three movements) in which one instrument (or two or three) stands out in bold relief against the orchestra, or accompaniment, so as to display its qualities or the performer's skill..
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