Definition of commensurate

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Commensurate (v. t.) To proportionate; to adjust.

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Commeasure :: Commeasure (v. t.) To be commensurate with; to equal.
Commensurate :: Commensurate (v. t.) To proportionate; to adjust.
Answerable :: Answerable (a.) Proportionate; commensurate; suitable; as, an achievement answerable to the preparation for it..
Commensurate :: Commensurate (a.) Having a common measure; commensurable; reducible to a common measure; as, commensurate quantities..
Incommensurate :: Incommensurate (a.) Not commensurate; not admitting of a common measure; incommensurable.
Commensurately :: Commensurately (adv.) With equal measure or extent.
Commeasurable :: Commeasurable (a.) Having the same measure; commensurate; proportional.
Commensurated :: Commensurated (imp. & p. p.) of Commensurat.
Commensurate :: Commensurate (a.) Equal in measure or extent; proportionate.
Commensurate :: Commensurate (v. t.) To reduce to a common measure.
Commensurateness :: Commensurateness (n.) The state or quality of being commensurate.
Incommensurate :: Incommensurate (a.) Not of equal of sufficient measure or extent; not adequate; as, our means are incommensurate to our wants..
Commensuration :: Commensuration (n.) The act of commensurating; the state of being commensurate.
Commensurately :: Commensurately (adv.) In a commensurate manner; so as to be equal or proportionate; adequately.
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