Definition of collector

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Collector (n.) A bachelor of arts in Oxford, formerly appointed to superintend some scholastic proceedings in Lent..

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Comb :: Comb (n.) The collector of an electrical machine, usually resembling a comb..
Publican :: Publican (n.) A farmer of the taxes and public revenues; hence, a collector of toll or tribute. The inferior officers of this class were often oppressive in their exactions, and were regarded with great detestation..
Virtuoso :: Virtuoso (n.) One devoted to virtu; one skilled in the fine arts, in antiquities, and the like; a collector or ardent admirer of curiosities, etc..
Paramiographer :: Paramiographer (n.) A collector or writer of proverbs.
Collectorship :: Collectorship (n.) The office of a collector of customs or of taxes.
Collector :: Collector (n.) An officer appointed and commissioned to collect and receive customs, duties, taxes, or toll..
Collector :: Collector (n.) One authorized to collect debts.
Collectorate :: Collectorate (n.) The district of a collector of customs; a collectorship.
Aurelian :: Aurelian (n.) An amateur collector and breeder of insects, esp. of butterflies and moths; a lepidopterist..
Gabeler :: Gabeler (n.) A collector of gabels or taxes.
Hoppo :: Hoppo (n.) A collector of customs, as at Canton; an overseer of commerce..
Medalist :: Medalist (n.) A person that is skilled or curious in medals; a collector of medals.
Questman :: Questman (n.) A collector of parish rents.
Register :: Register (n.) A certificate issued by the collector of customs of a port or district to the owner of a vessel, containing the description of a vessel, its name, ownership, and other material facts. It is kept on board the vessel, to be used as an evidence of nationality or as a muniment of title..
Phraseologist :: Phraseologist (n.) A collector or coiner of phrases.
Collector :: Collector (n.) One who collects things which are separate; esp., one who makes a business or practice of collecting works of art, objects in natural history, etc.; as, a collector of coins..
Antiquist :: Antiquist (n.) An antiquary; a collector of antiques.
Apothegmatist :: Apothegmatist (n.) A collector or maker of apothegms.
Zamindar :: Zamindar (n.) A landowner; also, a collector of land revenue; now, usually, a kind of feudatory recognized as an actual proprietor so long as he pays to the government a certain fixed revenue..
Collector :: Collector (n.) A bachelor of arts in Oxford, formerly appointed to superintend some scholastic proceedings in Lent..
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