Definition of collapse

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Collapse (n.) A falling together suddenly, as of the sides of a hollow vessel..

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Collapse :: Collapse (v. i.) To fail suddenly and completely, like something hollow when subject to too much pressure; to undergo a collapse; as, Maximilian's government collapsed soon after the French army left Mexico; many financial projects collapse after attaining some success and importance..
Algidity :: Algidity (n.) coldness and collapse.
Collapse :: Collapse (n.) A sudden and complete failure; an utter failure of any kind; a breakdown.
Collapsion :: Collapsion (n.) Collapse.
Cropper :: Cropper (n.) A fall on one's head when riding at full speed, as in hunting; hence, a sudden failure or collapse..
Collapse :: Collapse (v. i.) To fall together suddenly, as the sides of a hollow vessel; to close by falling or shrinking together; to have the sides or parts of (a thing) fall in together, or be crushed in together; as, a flue in the boiler of a steam engine sometimes collapses..
Collapse :: Collapse (n.) Extreme depression or sudden failing of all the vital powers, as the result of disease, injury, or nervous disturbance..
Collapse :: Collapse (n.) A falling together suddenly, as of the sides of a hollow vessel..
Collapsed :: Collapsed (imp. & p. p.) of Collaps.
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