Definition of clad

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Clad () of Cloth.

Lern More About Clad

Armored :: Armored (a.) Clad with armor.
Ironclad :: Ironclad (a.) Clad in iron; protected or covered with iron, as a vessel for naval warfare..
Scyphus :: Scyphus (n.) A cup-shaped stem or podetium in lichens. Also called scypha. See Illust. of Cladonia pyxidata, under Lichen..
Gowned :: Gowned (p. a.) Dressed in a gown; clad.
Phyllocladia :: Phyllocladia (pl. ) of Phyllocladiu.
Heathclad :: Heathclad (a.) Clad or crowned with heath.
Seabeard :: Seabeard (n.) A green seaweed (Cladophora rupestris) growing in dense tufts.
Pine-clad :: Pine-clad (a.) Alt. of Pine-crowne.
Garbed :: Garbed (a.) Dressed; habited; clad.
Ephippium :: Ephippium (n.) A saddle-shaped cavity to contain the winter eggs, situated on the back of Cladocera..
Beseen :: Beseen (a.) Decked or adorned; clad.
Pine-crowned :: Pine-crowned (a.) Clad or crowned with pine trees; as, pine-clad hills..
Cladophyll :: Cladophyll (n.) A special branch, resembling a leaf, as in the apparent foliage of the broom (Ruscus) and of the common cultivated smilax (Myrsiphillum)..
Cladocera :: Cladocera (n. pl.) An order of the Entomostraca.
Iron-cased :: Iron-cased (a.) Cased or covered with iron, as a vessel; ironclad..
Clad :: Clad () of Cloth.
Clad :: Clad (v.t) To clothe.
Phyllocladium :: Phyllocladium (n.) A flattened stem or branch which more or less resembles a leaf, and performs the function of a leaf as regards respiration and assimilation..
Water Flannel :: Water flannel () A floating mass formed in pools by the entangled filaments of a European fresh-water alga (Cladophora crispata).
Clad :: Clad () imp. & p. p. of Clothe.
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