Definition of clog

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Clog (v. t.) To burden; to trammel; to embarrass; to perplex.

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Clam :: Clam (v. t.) To clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter..
Cloggy :: Cloggy (a.) Clogging, or having power to clog..
Clog :: Clog (v. i.) To become clogged; to become loaded or encumbered, as with extraneous matter..
Cycloganoidei :: Cycloganoidei (n. pl.) An order of ganoid fishes, having cycloid scales. The bowfin (Amia calva) is a living example..
Chopine :: Chopine (n.) A clog, or patten, having a very thick sole, or in some cases raised upon a stilt to a height of a foot or more..
Clog :: Clog (v. t.) To obstruct so as to hinder motion in or through; to choke up; as, to clog a tube or a channel..
Dag-tailed :: Dag-tailed (a.) Daggle-tailed; having the tail clogged with daglocks.
Unclog :: Unclog (v. t.) To disencumber of a clog, or of difficulties and obstructions; to free from encumbrances; to set at liberty..
Engorgement :: Engorgement (n.) The clogging of a blast furnace.
Shot-clog :: Shot-clog (n.) A person tolerated only because he pays the shot, or reckoning, for the rest of the company, otherwise a mere clog on them..
Smaragdite :: Smaragdite (n.) A green foliated kind of amphibole, observed in eclogite and some varietis of gabbro..
Clog :: Clog (v.) A shoe, or sandal, intended to protect the feet from wet, or to increase the apparent stature, and having, therefore, a very thick sole. Cf. Chopine..
Encumbrance :: Encumbrance (n.) That which encumbers; a burden which impedes action, or renders it difficult and laborious; a clog; an impediment. See Incumbrance..
Clogged :: Clogged (imp. & p. p.) of Clo.
Choke :: Choke (v. t.) To obstruct by filling up or clogging any passage; to block up.
Disencumber :: Disencumber (v. t.) To free from encumbrance, or from anything which clogs, impedes, or obstructs; to disburden..
Dull :: Dull (superl.) Heavy; gross; cloggy; insensible; spiritless; lifeless; inert.
Clog :: Clog (v.) A weight, as a log or block of wood, attached to a man or an animal to hinder motion..
Foul :: Foul (v. i.) To become clogged with burnt powder in the process of firing, as a gun..
Incumbrance :: Incumbrance (n.) A burdensome and troublesome load; anything that impedes motion or action, or renders it difficult or laborious; clog; impediment; hindrance; check..
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