Definition of clivity

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Clivity (n.) Inclination; ascent or descent; a gradient.

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Calade :: Calade (n.) A slope or declivity in a manege ground down which a horse is made to gallop, to give suppleness to his haunches..
Hang :: Hang (n.) A sharp or steep declivity or slope.
Side :: Side (n.) A slope or declivity, as of a hill, considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge..
Scarp :: Scarp (n.) A steep descent or declivity.
Precipice :: Precipice (n.) A headlong steep; a very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging place; an abrupt declivity; a cliff..
Proclivity :: Proclivity (n.) Inclination; propensity; proneness; tendency.
Downhill :: Downhill (n.) Declivity; descent; slope.
Flume :: Flume (n.) A stream; especially, a passage channel, or conduit for the water that drives a mill wheel; or an artifical channel of water for hydraulic or placer mining; also, a chute for conveying logs or lumber down a declivity..
Acclivity :: Acclivity (n.) A slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill, considered as ascending, in opposition to declivity, or descending; an upward slope; ascent..
Steepness :: Steeply (adv.) In a steep manner; with steepness; with precipitous declivity.
Fall :: Fall (n.) Declivity; the descent of land or a hill; a slope.
Reascent :: Reascent (n.) A returning ascent or ascension; acclivity.
Devexity :: Devexity (a.) A bending downward; a sloping; incurvation downward; declivity.
Bent :: Bent (v.) A leaning or bias; proclivity; tendency of mind; inclination; disposition; purpose; aim.
Proclivity :: Proclivity (n.) Readiness; facility; aptitude.
Bank :: Bank (n.) A steep acclivity, as the slope of a hill, or the side of a ravine..
Proneness :: Proneness (n.) Descent; declivity; as, the proneness of a hill..
Declivity :: Declivity (n.) Deviation from a horizontal line; gradual descent of surface; inclination downward; slope; -- opposed to acclivity, or ascent; the same slope, considered as descending, being a declivity, which, considered as ascending, is an acclivity..
Steep :: Steep (v. t.) Making a large angle with the plane of the horizon; ascending or descending rapidly with respect to a horizontal line or a level; precipitous; as, a steep hill or mountain; a steep roof; a steep ascent; a steep declivity; a steep barometric gradient..
Steepness :: Steepness (n.) Quality or state of being steep; precipitous declivity; as, the steepnessof a hill or a roof..
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