Definition of clavicle

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Clavicle (n.) The collar bone, which is joined at one end to the scapula, or shoulder blade, and at the other to the sternum, or breastbone. In man each clavicle is shaped like the letter /, and is situated just above the first rib on either side of the neck. In birds the two clavicles are united ventrally, forming the merrythought, or wishbone..

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Postclavicle :: Postclavicle (n.) A bone in the pectoral girdle of many fishes projecting backward from the clavicle.
Supraclavicular :: Supraclavicular (a.) Situated above the clavicle.
Post-temporal :: Post-temporal (a.) Situated back of the temporal bone or the temporal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone which usually connects the supraclavicle with the skull in the pectoral arch of fishes.
Omosternum :: Omosternum (n.) The anterior element of the sternum which projects forward from between the clavicles in many batrachians and is usually tipped with cartilage.
Clavicle :: Clavicle (n.) The collar bone, which is joined at one end to the scapula, or shoulder blade, and at the other to the sternum, or breastbone. In man each clavicle is shaped like the letter /, and is situated just above the first rib on either side of the neck. In birds the two clavicles are united ventrally, forming the merrythought, or wishbone..
Precoracoid :: Precoracoid (n.) The anterior part of the coracoid (often closely united with the clavicle) in the shoulder girdle of many reptiles and amphibians.
Scapulo- :: Scapulo- () A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the scapula or the shoulder; as, the scapulo-clavicular articulation, the articulation between the scapula and clavicle..
Furculum :: Furculum (n.) The wishbone or merrythought of birds, formed by the united clavicles..
Trapezoid :: Trapezoid (a.) Having the form of a trapezoid; trapezoidal; as, the trapezoid ligament which connects the coracoid process and the clavicle..
Supracondylar :: Supraclavicular (a.) Of or pertaining to the supraclavicle.
Episternum :: Episternum (n.) A median bone connected with the sternum, in many vertebrates; the interclavicle..
Supraclavicular :: Supraclavicle (n.) A bone which usually connects the clavicle with the post-temporal in the pectorial arch of fishes.
Infraclavicular :: Infraclavicular (a.) Below the clavicle; as, the infraclavicular fossa..
Interclavicular :: Interclavicular (a.) Between the clavicles; as, the interclavicular notch of the sternum..
Clavicular :: Clavicular (a.) Of or pertaining to the clavicle.
Interclavicle :: Interclavicle (n.) See Episternum.
Omosternum :: Omosternum (n.) In many mammals, an interarticular cartilage, or bone, between the sternum and the clavicle..
Collar Bone :: Collar bone () The clavicle.
Epicleidium :: Epicleidium (n.) A projection, formed by a separate ossification, at the scapular end of the clavicle of many birds..
Subcolumnar :: Subclavian (a.) Situated under the clavicle, or collar bone; as, the subclavian arteries..
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