Definition of citizen

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Citizen (a.) Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a city; characteristic of citizens; effeminate; luxurious.

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Decitizenize :: Decitizenize (v. t.) To deprive of the rights of citizenship.
Private :: Private (a.) Not invested with, or engaged in, public office or employment; as, a private citizen; private life..
Notify :: Notify (v. t.) To give notice to; to inform by notice; to apprise; as, the constable has notified the citizens to meet at the city hall; the bell notifies us of the time of meeting..
Mufti :: Mufti (n.) Citizen's dress when worn by a naval or military officer; -- a term derived from the British service in India.
Chilian :: Chilian (n.) A native or citizen of Chili.
Citicism :: Citicism (n.) The manners of a cit or citizen.
Disenfranchise :: Disenfranchise (v. t.) To disfranchise; to deprive of the rights of a citizen.
Borough :: Borough (n.) The collective body of citizens or inhabitants of a borough; as, the borough voted to lay a tax..
Alien :: Alien (n.) A foreigner; one owing allegiance, or belonging, to another country; a foreign-born resident of a country in which he does not possess the privileges of a citizen. Hence, a stranger. See Alienage..
Civillty :: Civillty (n.) The state of society in which the relations and duties of a citizen are recognized and obeyed; a state of civilization.
Citizen :: Citizen (n.) An inhabitant of a city; a townsman.
Yankee :: Yankee (n.) A nickname for a native or citizen of New England, especially one descended from old New England stock; by extension, an inhabitant of the Northern States as distinguished from a Southerner; also, applied sometimes by foreigners to any inhabitant of the United States..
Citizen :: Citizen (n.) A person, native or naturalized, of either sex, who owes allegiance to a government, and is entitled to reciprocal protection from it..
Naturalization :: Naturalization (n.) The act or process of naturalizing, esp. of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a native or citizen; also, the state of being naturalized..
Exalt :: Exalt (v. t.) To elevate in rank, dignity, power, wealth, character, or the like; to dignify; to promote; as, to exalt a prince to the throne, a citizen to the presidency..
Disfranchisement :: Disfranchisement (n.) The act of disfranchising, or the state disfranchised; deprivation of privileges of citizenship or of chartered immunities..
Excellent :: Excellent (a.) Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; superior; as, an excellent man, artist, citizen, husband, discourse, book, song, etc.; excellent breeding, principles, aims, action..
Money :: Money (n.) A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government; also, any number of such pieces; coin..
Civil :: Civil (a.) Pertaining to a city or state, or to a citizen in his relations to his fellow citizens or to the state; within the city or state..
Denaturalize :: Denaturalize (v. t.) To renounce the natural rights and duties of; to deprive of citizenship; to denationalize.
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