Definition of adventure

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of adventure is as below...

Adventure (n.) A remarkable occurrence; a striking event; a stirring incident; as, the adventures of one's life..

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Romance :: Romance (n.) A species of fictitious writing, originally composed in meter in the Romance dialects, and afterward in prose, such as the tales of the court of Arthur, and of Amadis of Gaul; hence, any fictitious and wonderful tale; a sort of novel, especially one which treats of surprising adventures usually befalling a hero or a heroine; a tale of extravagant adventures, of love, and the like..
Misaventure :: Misaventure (n.) Misadventure.
Unfortunate :: Unfortunate (a.) Not fortunate; unsuccessful; not prosperous; unlucky; attended with misfortune; unhappy; as, an unfortunate adventure; an unfortunate man; an unfortunate commander; unfortunate business..
Gest :: Gest (n.) Something done or achieved; a deed or an action; an adventure.
Coadventurer :: Coadventurer (n.) A fellow adventurer.
Adventuresome :: Adventuresome (a.) Full of risk; adventurous; venturesome.
Condottiere :: Condottiere (n.) A military adventurer of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, who sold his services, and those of his followers, to any party in any contest..
Love :: Love (n.) To take delight or pleasure in; to have a strong liking or desire for, or interest in; to be pleased with; to like; as, to love books; to love adventures..
Coadventure :: Coadventure (v. i.) To share in a venture.
Recital :: Recital (n.) A telling in detail and due order of the particulars of anything, as of a law, an adventure, or a series of events; narration..
Adventuress :: Adventuress (n.) A female adventurer; a woman who tries to gain position by equivocal means.
Happily :: Happily (adv.) By chance; peradventure; haply.
Aventure :: Aventure (n.) Accident; chance; adventure.
Demirep :: Demirep (n.) A woman of doubtful reputation or suspected character; an adventuress.
Mesprise :: Mesprise (n.) Misadventure; ill-success.
Perhaps :: Perhaps (adv.) By chance; peradventure; perchance; it may be.
Adventure :: Adventure (n.) To venture upon; to run the risk of; to dare.
Peradventure :: Peradventure (n.) Chance; hap; hence, doubt; question; as, proved beyond peradventure..
Maybe :: Maybe (adv.) Perhaps; possibly; peradventure.
Gest :: Gest (n.) A tale of achievements or adventures; a stock story.
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