Definition of charitable

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Charitable (a.) Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment..

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Brief :: Brief (n.) A letter patent, from proper authority, authorizing a collection or charitable contribution of money in churches, for any public or private purpose..
Incharitable :: Incharitable (a.) Uncharitable; unfeeling.
Uncharitable :: Uncharitable (a.) Not charitable; contrary to charity; severe in judging; harsh; censorious; as, uncharitable opinions or zeal..
Beguine :: Beguine (n.) A woman belonging to one of the religious and charitable associations or communities in the Netherlands, and elsewhere, whose members live in beguinages and are not bound by perpetual vows..
Institution :: Institution (n.) An established or organized society or corporation; an establishment, especially of a public character, or affecting a community; a foundation; as, a literary institution; a charitable institution; also, a building or the buildings occupied or used by such organization; as, the Smithsonian Institution..
Benevolent :: Benevolent (a.) Having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable..
Uncharity :: Uncharity (n.) Uncharitableness.
Vincentian :: Vincentian (n.) A member of certain charitable sisterhoods.
Charitableness :: Charitableness (n.) The quality of being charitable; the exercise of charity.
Bursary :: Bursary (n.) A scholarship or charitable foundation in a university, as in Scotland; a sum given to enable a student to pursue his studies..
Benefit :: Benefit (n.) A theatrical performance, a concert, or the like, the proceeds of which do not go to the lessee of the theater or to the company, but to some individual actor, or to some charitable use..
Charitable :: Charitable (a.) Of or pertaining to charity; springing from, or intended for, charity; relating to almsgiving; eleemosynary; as, a charitable institution..
Sodality :: Sodality (n.) Specifically, a lay association for devotion or for charitable purposes..
Benefaction :: Benefaction (n.) A benefit conferred; esp. a charitable donation.
Enlist :: Enlist (v. t.) To secure the support and aid of; to employ in advancing interest; as, to enlist persons in the cause of truth, or in a charitable enterprise..
Charitable :: Charitable (a.) Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment..
Collection :: Collection (n.) A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes, as by passing a contribution box for freewill offerings..
Interest :: Interest (n.) To engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing; as, the subject did not interest him; to interest one in charitable work..
Dole :: Dole (n.) Alms; charitable gratuity or portion.
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) A fair for the sale of fancy wares, toys, etc., commonly for a charitable objects..
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