Definition of chaplet

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Chaplet (n.) A chapelet. See Chapelet, 1..

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Orle :: Orle (n.) The wreath, or chaplet, surmounting or encircling the helmet of a knight and bearing the crest..
Chapleted :: Chapleted (imp. & p. p.) of Chaple.
Wreath :: Wreath (n.) A garland; a chaplet, esp. one given to a victor..
Beadroll :: Beadroll (n.) A catalogue of persons, for the rest of whose souls a certain number of prayers are to be said or counted off on the beads of a chaplet; hence, a catalogue in general..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A small chapel or shrine.
Chaplet :: Chaplet (v. t.) To adorn with a chaplet or with flowers.
Anadem :: Anadem (n.) A garland or fillet; a chaplet or wreath.
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A garland or wreath to be worn on the head.
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A small molding, carved into beads, pearls, olives, etc..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A chapelet. See Chapelet, 1..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A tuft of feathers on a peacock's head.
Garland :: Garland (n.) A wreath of chaplet made of branches, flowers, or feathers, and sometimes of precious stones, to be worn on the head like a crown; a coronal; a wreath..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A bent piece of sheet iron, or a pin with thin plates on its ends, for holding a core in place in the mold..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A string of beads, or part of a string, used by Roman Catholic in praying; a third of a rosary, or fifty beads..
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