Definition of chapel

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Chapel (n.) A place of worship not connected with a church; as, the chapel of a palace, hospital, or prison..

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Chapelry :: Chapelry (n.) The territorial district legally assigned to a chapel.
Chapel :: Chapel (n.) A subordinate place of worshi.
Chapel :: Chapel (n.) A printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in England in a chapel near Westminster Abbey..
Haikal :: Haikal (n.) The central chapel of the three forming the sanctuary of a Coptic church. It contains the high altar, and is usually closed by an embroidered curtain..
Chapelet :: Chapelet (n.) A kind of chain pump, or dredging machine..
Chapellany :: Chapellany (n.) A chapel within the jurisdiction of a church; a subordinate ecclesiastical foundation.
Antechapel :: Antechapel (n.) The outer part of the west end of a collegiate or other chapel.
Vatican :: Vatican (n.) A magnificent assemblage of buildings at Rome, near the church of St. Peter, including the pope's palace, a museum, a library, a famous chapel, etc..
Capellane :: Capellane (n.) The curate of a chapel; a chaplain.
Undercroft :: Undercroft (n.) A subterranean room of any kind; esp., one under a church (see Crypt), or one used as a chapel or for any sacred purpose..
Oratory :: Oratory (n.) A place of orisons, or prayer; especially, a chapel or small room set apart for private devotions..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A chapelet. See Chapelet, 1..
Chaplet :: Chaplet (n.) A small chapel or shrine.
Succi :: Succursal (v. t.) Serving to aid or help; serving as a chapel of ease; tributary.
Chapel :: Chapel (n.) A place of worship not connected with a church; as, the chapel of a palace, hospital, or prison..
Chaplainship :: Chaplainship (n.) The possession or revenue of a chapel.
Capellmeister :: Capellmeister (n.) The musical director in royal or ducal chapel; a choir-master.
Chapeless :: Chapeless (a.) Without a chape.
Chantry :: Chantry (n.) A chapel or altar so endowed.
Parclose :: Parclose (n.) A screen separating a chapel from the body of the church.
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