Definition of adjutant

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Adjutant (n.) A species of very large stork (Ciconia argala), a native of India; -- called also the gigantic crane, and by the native name argala. It is noted for its serpent-destroying habits..

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Coadjutant :: Coadjutant (a.) Mutually assisting or operating; helping.
Adjutant :: Adjutant (n.) A helper; an assistant.
Adjutant :: Adjutant (n.) A species of very large stork (Ciconia argala), a native of India; -- called also the gigantic crane, and by the native name argala. It is noted for its serpent-destroying habits..
Argala :: Argala (n.) The adjutant bird.
Marabou :: Marabou (n.) A large stork of the genus Leptoptilos (formerly Ciconia), esp. the African species (L. crumenifer), which furnishes plumes worn as ornaments. The Asiatic species (L. dubius, or L. argala) is the adjutant. See Adjutant..
Coadjutive :: Coadjutive (a.) Rendering mutual aid; coadjutant.
Aid-major :: Aid-major (n.) The adjutant of a regiment.
Etat Major :: Etat Major () The staff of an army, including all officers above the rank of colonel, also, all adjutants, inspectors, quartermasters, commissaries, engineers, ordnance officers, paymasters, physicians, signal officers, judge advocates; also, the noncommissioned assistants of the above officers..
Adjutant :: Adjutant (n.) A regimental staff officer, who assists the colonel, or commanding officer of a garrison or regiment, in the details of regimental and garrison duty..
Cobishop :: Cobishop (n.) A joint or coadjutant bishop.
Adjutancy :: Adjutancy (n.) The office of an adjutant.
Coadjutant :: Coadjutant (n.) An assistant.
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