Definition of canister

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Canister (n.) A small basket of rushes, reeds, or willow twigs, etc..

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Case Shot :: Case shot () A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister..
Langrel :: Langrel (n.) A kind of shot formerly used at sea for tearing sails and rigging. It consisted of bolts, nails, and other pieces of iron fastened together or inclosed in a canister..
Canister :: Canister (n.) A small basket of rushes, reeds, or willow twigs, etc..
Canister :: Canister (n.) A kind of case shot for cannon, in which a number of lead or iron balls in layers are inclosed in a case fitting the gun; -- called also canister shot..
Calin :: Calin (n.) An alloy of lead and tin, of which the Chinese make tea canisters..
Canister :: Canister (n.) A small box or case for holding tea, coffee, etc..
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