Definition of canary bird

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Canary bird () A small singing bird of the Finch family (Serinus Canarius), a native of the Canary Islands. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century, and made a household pet. It generally has a yellowish body with the wings and tail greenish, but in its wild state it is more frequently of gray or brown color. It is sometimes called canary finch..

Lern More About Canary Bird

Canary :: Canary (a.) Of or pertaining to the Canary Islands; as, canary wine; canary birds..
Canary :: Canary (n.) A canary bird.
Canary :: Canary (n.) A pale yellow color, like that of a canary bird..
Canary Bird :: Canary bird () A small singing bird of the Finch family (Serinus Canarius), a native of the Canary Islands. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century, and made a household pet. It generally has a yellowish body with the wings and tail greenish, but in its wild state it is more frequently of gray or brown color. It is sometimes called canary finch..
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