Definition of camera obscura

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Camera obscura () An apparatus in which the images of external objects, formed by a convex lens or a concave mirror, are thrown on a paper or other white surface placed in the focus of the lens or mirror within a darkened chamber, or box, so that the outlines may be traced..

Lern More About Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura :: Camera obscura () An apparatus in which the image of an external object or objects is, by means of lenses, thrown upon a sensitized plate or surface placed at the back of an extensible darkened box or chamber variously modified; -- commonly called simply the camera..
Camera :: Camera (n.) A chamber, or instrument having a chamber. Specifically: The camera obscura when used in photography. See Camera, and Camera obscura..
Camera Obscura :: Camera obscura () An apparatus in which the images of external objects, formed by a convex lens or a concave mirror, are thrown on a paper or other white surface placed in the focus of the lens or mirror within a darkened chamber, or box, so that the outlines may be traced..
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