Definition of cairn

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Cairn (n.) A rounded or conical heap of stones erected by early inhabitants of the British Isles, apparently as a sepulchral monument..

Lern More About Cairn

Cairn :: Cairn (n.) A pile of stones heaped up as a landmark, or to arrest attention, as in surveying, or in leaving traces of an exploring party, etc..
Cairn :: Cairn (n.) A rounded or conical heap of stones erected by early inhabitants of the British Isles, apparently as a sepulchral monument..
Karn :: Karn (n.) A pile of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock. See Cairn..
Cairngormstone :: Cairngormstone () A yellow or smoky brown variety of rock crystal, or crystallized quartz, found esp, in the mountain of Cairngorm, in Scotland..
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