Definition of cache

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Cache (n.) A hole in the ground, or hiding place, for concealing and preserving provisions which it is inconvenient to carry..

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Cachet :: Cachet (n.) A seal, as of a letter..
Beriberi :: Beriberi (n.) An acute disease occurring in India, characterized by multiple inflammatory changes in the nerves, producing great muscular debility, a painful rigidity of the limbs, and cachexy..
Cachepot :: Cachepot (n.) An ornamental casing for a flowerpot, of porcelain, metal, paper, etc..
Cache :: Cache (n.) A hole in the ground, or hiding place, for concealing and preserving provisions which it is inconvenient to carry..
Cachexy :: Cachexy (n.) A condition of ill health and impairment of nutrition due to impoverishment of the blood, esp. when caused by a specific morbid process (as cancer or tubercle)..
Cancer :: Cancer (n.) Formerly, any malignant growth, esp. one attended with great pain and ulceration, with cachexia and progressive emaciation. It was so called, perhaps, from the great veins which surround it, compared by the ancients to the claws of a crab. The term is now restricted to such a growth made up of aggregations of epithelial cells, either without support or embedded in the meshes of a trabecular framework..
Cachectic :: Cachectic (a.) Alt. of Cachectica.
Cachectical :: Cachectical (a.) Having, or pertaining to, cachexia; as, cachectic remedies; cachectical blood..
Cachexia :: Cachexia (n.) Alt. of Cachex.
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