Definition of burse

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Burse (n.) An exchange, for merchants and bankers, in the cities of continental Europe. Same as Bourse..

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Expenditure :: Expenditure (n.) The act of expending; a laying out, as of money; disbursement..
Disburser :: Disburser (n.) One who disburses money.
Emburse :: Emburse (v. t.) To furnish with money; to imburse.
Reimburse :: Reimburse (v. t.) To replace in a treasury or purse, as an equivalent for what has been taken, lost, or expended; to refund; to pay back; to restore; as, to reimburse the expenses of a war..
Treasury :: Treasury (n.) A place or building in which stores of wealth are deposited; especially, a place where public revenues are deposited and kept, and where money is disbursed to defray the expenses of government; hence, also, the place of deposit and disbursement of any collected funds..
Refund :: Refund (v. t.) To supply again with funds; to reimburse.
Imburse :: Imburse (v. t.) To supply or stock with money.
Recoupe :: Recoupe (v. t.) To reimburse; to indemnify; -- often used reflexively and in the passive.
Mise :: Mise (n.) Expense; cost; disbursement.
Expense :: Expense (n.) A spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure.
Burse :: Burse (n.) An exchange, for merchants and bankers, in the cities of continental Europe. Same as Bourse..
Burse :: Burse (n.) A fund or foundation for the maintenance of needy scholars in their studies; also, the sum given to the beneficiaries..
Disbursed :: Disbursed (imp. & p. p.) of Disburs.
Deburse :: Deburse (v. t. & i.) To disburse.
Disbursement :: Disbursement (n.) The act of disbursing or paying out.
Repayment :: Repayment (n.) The act of repaying; reimbursement.
Surprisal :: Surplusage (n.) A greater disbursement than the charge of the accountant amounts to.
Indemnify :: Indemnify (v. t.) To make restitution or compensation for, as for that which is lost; to make whole; to reimburse; to compensate..
Reimbursement :: Reimbursement (n.) The act reimbursing.
Expend :: Expend (v. i.) To pay out or disburse money.
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