Definition of bull trout

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Bull trout () In England, a large salmon trout of several species, as Salmo trutta and S. Cambricus, which ascend rivers; -- called also sea trout..

Lern More About Bull Trout

Bull Trout :: Bull trout () The huso or salmon of the Danube.
Bull Trout :: Bull trout () Salvelinus malma of California and Oregon; -- called also Dolly Varden trout and red-spotted trout.
Scurff :: Scurff (n.) The bull trout.
Huchen :: Huchen (n.) A large salmon (Salmo, / Salvelinus, hucho) inhabiting the Danube; -- called also huso, and bull trout..
Sea Trout :: Sea trout () Any one of several species of true trouts which descend rivers and enter the sea after spawning, as the European bull trout and salmon trout, and the eastern American spotted trout..
Malma :: Malma (n.) A spotted trout (Salvelinus malma), inhabiting Northern America, west of the Rocky Mountains; -- called also Dolly Varden trout, bull trout, red-spotted trout, and golet..
Bull Trout :: Bull trout () In England, a large salmon trout of several species, as Salmo trutta and S. Cambricus, which ascend rivers; -- called also sea trout..
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