Definition of abduction

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Abduction (n.) The wrongful, and usually the forcible, carrying off of a human being; as, the abduction of a child, the abduction of an heiress..

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Ravishment :: Ravishment (n.) The act of carrying away by force or against consent; abduction; as, the ravishment of children from their parents, of a ward from his guardian, or of a wife from her husband..
Abduction :: Abduction (n.) The wrongful, and usually the forcible, carrying off of a human being; as, the abduction of a child, the abduction of an heiress..
Abduction :: Abduction (n.) A syllogism or form of argument in which the major is evident, but the minor is only probable..
Abduction :: Abduction (n.) The act of abducing or abducting; a drawing apart; a carrying away.
Forcible :: Forcible (a.) Using force against opposition or resistance; obtained by compulsion; effected by force; as, forcible entry or abduction..
Abduction :: Abduction (n.) The movement which separates a limb or other part from the axis, or middle line, of the body..
Adduction :: Adduction (n.) The action by which the parts of the body are drawn towards its axis]; -- opposed to abduction.
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