Definition of add

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Add (v. t.) To append, as a statement; to say further..

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Stroke :: Stroke (v. t.) Hence, by extension, an addition or amandment to a written composition; a touch; as, to give some finishing strokes to an essay..
Annexation :: Annexation (v. t.) The act of annexing; process of attaching, adding, or appending; the act of connecting; union; as, the annexation of Texas to the United States, or of chattels to the freehold..
Mohawk :: Mohawk (n.) One of certain ruffians who infested the streets of London in the time of Addison, and took the name from the Mohawk Indians..
Addeem :: Addeem (v. t.) To award; to adjudge.
Filling :: Filling (n.) Prepared wort added to ale to cleanse it.
Faddle :: Faddle (v. i.) To trifle; to toy.
English :: English (v. t.) To strike (the cue ball) in such a manner as to give it in addition to its forward motion a spinning motion, that influences its direction after impact on another ball or the cushion..
Ziega :: Ziega (n.) Curd produced from milk by adding acetic acid, after rennet has ceased to cause coagulation..
Readdress :: Readdress (v. t.) To address a second time; -- often used reflexively.
Trichoptera :: Trichoptera (n. pl.) A suborder of Neuroptera usually having the wings covered with minute hairs. It comprises the caddice flies, and is considered by some to be a distinct order..
Rot :: Rot (n.) A fatal distemper which attacks sheep and sometimes other animals. It is due to the presence of a parasitic worm in the liver or gall bladder. See 1st Fluke, 2..
Twattle :: Twattle (n.) Act of prating; idle talk; twaddle.
Mad :: Mad (v. i.) To be mad; to go mad; to rave. See Madding.
Affable :: Affable (a.) Easy to be spoken to or addressed; receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; courteous; sociable.
Votary :: Votary (n.) One devoted, consecrated, or engaged by a vow or promise; hence, especially, one devoted, given, or addicted, to some particular service, worship, study, or state of life..
Swaddlebill :: Swaddle (v. t.) To beat; to cudgel.
Swaddle :: Swaddling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Swaddl.
Bareback :: Bareback (adv.) On the bare back of a horse, without using a saddle; as, to ride bareback..
Rubiaceous :: Rubiaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to a very large natural order of plants (Rubiaceae) named after the madder (Rubia tinctoria), and including about three hundred and seventy genera and over four thousand species. Among them are the coffee tree, the trees yielding peruvian bark and quinine, the madder, the quaker ladies, and the trees bearing the edible fruits called genipap and Sierre Leone peach, besides many plants noted for the beauty or the fragrance of their blossoms..
Wash :: Wash (n.) The backward current or disturbed water caused by the action of oars, or of a steamer's screw or paddles, etc..
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