Definition of breech

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Breech (v. t.) To fit or furnish with a breech; as, to breech a gun..

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Saddle :: Saddle (n.) A padded part of a harness which is worn on a horse's back, being fastened in place with a girth. It serves various purposes, as to keep the breeching in place, carry guides for the reins, etc..
Bear''s-breech :: Bear's-breech (n.) The English cow parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium.
Breech Screw :: Breech screw () A strong iron or steel plug screwed into the breech of a musket or other firearm, to close the bottom of the bore..
Diaper :: Diaper (n.) An infant's breechcloth.
Breech :: Breech (n.) The hinder part of anything; esp., the part of a cannon, or other firearm, behind the chamber..
Bombard :: Bombard (n.) Padded breeches.
Short :: Short (n.) Breeches; shortclothes.
Breeching :: Breeching (n.) The sheet iron casing at the end of boilers to convey the smoke from the flues to the smokestack.
Breech Pin :: Breech pin () Alt. of Breech scre.
Chamber :: Chamber (n.) A short piece of ordnance or cannon, which stood on its breech, without any carriage, formerly used chiefly for rejoicings and theatrical cannonades..
Dispart :: Dispart (n.) The difference between the thickness of the metal at the mouth and at the breech of a piece of ordnance.
Presentation :: Presentation (n.) The particular position of the child during labor relatively to the passage though which it is to be brought forth; -- specifically designated by the part which first appears at the mouth of the uterus; as, a breech presentation..
Galligaskins :: Galligaskins (n. pl.) Loose hose or breeches; leather leg quards. The word is used loosely and often in a jocose sense.
Hanselines :: Hanselines (n.) A sort of breeches.
Muzzle-loader :: Muzzle-loader (n.) A firearm which receives its charge through the muzzle, as distinguished from one which is loaded at the breech..
Codpiece :: Codpiece (n.) A part of male dress in front of the breeches, formerly made very conspicuous..
Breeches :: Breeches (n. pl.) A garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs; smallclothes..
Sans-culotte :: Sans-culotte (n.) A fellow without breeches; a ragged fellow; -- a name of reproach given in the first French revolution to the extreme republican party, who rejected breeches as an emblem peculiar to the upper classes or aristocracy, and adopted pantaloons..
Breech :: Breech (n.) The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat..
Breech :: Breech (v. t.) To fit or furnish with a breech; as, to breech a gun..
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