Definition of stock

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Stock (n.) A covering for the leg, or leg and foot; as, upper stocks (breeches); nether stocks (stockings)..

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Stocking :: Stocked (imp. & p. p.) of Stoc.
Stack-guard :: Stacket (n.) A stockade.
Imbursement :: Imbursement (n.) Money laid up in stock.
Stock-blind :: Stockade (v. t.) To surround, fortify, or protect with a stockade..
Mestizo :: Mestizo (n.) The offspring of an Indian or a negro and a European or person of European stock.
Footglove :: Footglove (n.) A kind of stocking.
Company :: Company (n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business; a corporation; a firm; as, the East India Company; an insurance company; a joint-stock company..
Pair :: Pair (n.) Two things of a kind, similar in form, suited to each other, and intended to be used together; as, a pair of gloves or stockings; a pair of shoes..
Standard :: Standard (n.) A tree of natural size supported by its own stem, and not dwarfed by grafting on the stock of a smaller species nor trained upon a wall or trellis..
Fireman :: Fireman (n.) A man who tends the fires, as of a steam engine; a stocker..
Inventory :: Inventory (n.) An account, catalogue, or schedule, made by an executor or administrator, of all the goods and chattels, and sometimes of the real estate, of a deceased person; a list of the property of which a person or estate is found to be possessed; hence, an itemized list of goods or valuables, with their estimated worth; specifically, the annual account of stock taken in any business..
Breed :: Breed (v. t.) To raise, as any kind of stock..
Bedstock :: Bedstock (n.) The front or the back part of the frame of a bedstead.
Yakoots :: Yakoots (n. pl.) (Ethnol.) A nomadic Mongolian tribe native of Northern Siberia, and supposed to be of Turkish stock. They are mainly pastoral in their habits..
Teem :: Teem (v. i.) To be full, or ready to bring forth; to be stocked to overflowing; to be prolific; to abound..
Luddite :: Luddite (n.) One of a number of riotous persons in England, who for six years (1811-17) tried to prevent the use of labor-saving machinery by breaking it, burning factories, etc.; -- so called from Ned Lud, a half-witted man who some years previously had broken stocking frames..
Strenger :: Strene (n.) Race; offspring; stock; breed; strain.
Overstock :: Overstock (v. t.) To fill too full; to supply in excess; as, to overstock a market with goods, or a farm with cattle..
Rhizanthous :: Rhizanthous (a.) Producing flowers from a rootstock, or apparently from a root..
Derogation :: Derogation (n.) An alteration of, or subtraction from, a contract for a sale of stocks..
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