Definition of brag

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Brag (v. t.) To boast of.

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Braggart :: Braggart (v. i.) A boaster.
Rodomont :: Rodomont (a.) Bragging; vainly boasting.
Braggingly :: Braggingly (adv.) Boastingly.
Craker :: Craker (n.) One who boasts; a braggart.
Umbrageous :: Umbrageous (a.) Feeling jealousy or umbrage; taking, or disposed to take, umbrage; suspicious..
Jactancy :: Jactancy (n.) A boasting; a bragging.
Brag :: Brag (v. i.) To talk about one's self, or things pertaining to one's self, in a manner intended to excite admiration, envy, or wonder; to talk boastfully; to boast; -- often followed by of; as, to brag of one's exploits, courage, or money, or of the great things one intends to do..
Vapor :: Vapor (n.) To talk idly; to boast or vaunt; to brag.
Bluff :: Bluff (n.) An act of bluffing; an expression of self-confidence for the purpose of intimidation; braggadocio; as, that is only bluff, or a bluff..
Talker :: Talker (n.) A loquacious person, male or female; a prattler; a babbler; also, a boaster; a braggart; -- used in contempt or reproach..
Thrasonical :: Thrasonical (a.) Of or pertaining to Thraso; like, or becoming to, Thraso; bragging; boastful; vainglorious..
Rodomont :: Rodomont (n.) A vain or blustering boaster; a braggart; a braggadocio.
Rodomontade :: Rodomontade (v. i.) To boast; to brag; to bluster; to rant.
Brag :: Brag (n.) A game at cards similar to bluff.
Outbrag :: Outbrag (v. t.) To surpass in bragging; hence, to make appear inferior..
Umbrose :: Umbrose (a.) Shady; umbrageous.
Rushbuckler :: Rushbuckler (n.) A bullying and violent person; a braggart; a swashbuckler.
Umbrage :: Umbrage (n.) Shadowy resemblance; shadow.
Braggadocio :: Braggadocio (n.) Empty boasting; mere brag; pretension.
Boast :: Boast (n.) Act of boasting; vaunting or bragging.
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