Definition of boxing

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Boxing (n.) Any boxlike inclosure or recess; a casing.

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Squarely :: Square (v. i.) To take a boxing attitude; -- often with up, sometimes with off..
Fistic :: Fistic (a.) Pertaining to boxing, or to encounters with the fists; puglistic; as, fistic exploits; fistic heroes..
Defence :: Defence (n.) Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc..
Counter :: Counter (v. i.) To return a blow while receiving one, as in boxing..
Faser :: Faser (n.) A blow in the face, as in boxing; hence, any severe or stunning check or defeat, as in controversy..
Pugilism :: Pugilism (n.) The practice of boxing, or fighting with the fist..
But :: But (v. t.) The end of a connecting rod or other like piece, to which the boxing is attached by the strap, cotter, and gib..
Pancratium :: Pancratium (n.) An athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
Spar :: Spar (n.) A contest at sparring or boxing.
Handyfight :: Handyfight (n.) A fight with the hands; boxing.
Muffle :: Muffle (v. t.) Anything with which another thing, as an oar or drum, is muffled; also, a boxing glove; a muff..
Bearing :: Bearing (n.) The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its support, collar, or boxing; the journal..
Set-to :: Set-to (n.) A contest in boxing, in an argument, or the like..
Spar :: Spar (n.) A movement of offense or defense in boxing.
Boxing :: Boxing (n.) The act of fighting with the fist; a combat with the fist; sparring.
Feint :: Feint (a.) A mock blow or attack on one part when another part is intended to be struck; -- said of certain movements in fencing, boxing, war, etc..
Boxing :: Boxing (n.) Any boxlike inclosure or recess; a casing.
Buffet :: Buffet (v. i.) To exercise or play at boxing; to strike; to smite; to strive; to contend.
Parry :: Parry (n.) A warding off of a thrust or blow, as in sword and bayonet exercises or in boxing; hence, figuratively, a defensive movement in debate or other intellectual encounter..
Glove :: Glove (n.) A boxing glove.
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