Definition of booby

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Booby (n.) A swimming bird (Sula fiber or S. sula) related to the common gannet, and found in the West Indies, nesting on the bare rocks. It is so called on account of its apparent stupidity. The name is also sometimes applied to other species of gannets; as, S. piscator, the red-footed booby..

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Gawk :: Gawk (n.) A simpleton; a booby; a gawky.
Booby :: Booby (n.) A swimming bird (Sula fiber or S. sula) related to the common gannet, and found in the West Indies, nesting on the bare rocks. It is so called on account of its apparent stupidity. The name is also sometimes applied to other species of gannets; as, S. piscator, the red-footed booby..
Booby :: Booby (a.) Having the characteristics of a booby; stupid.
Boobyish :: Boobyish (a.) Stupid; dull.
Booby :: Booby (n.) A dunce; a stupid fellow.
Sulcate :: Sula (n.) A genus of sea birds including the booby and the common gannet.
Gowk :: Gowk (v. t.) To make a, booby of one); to stupefy..
Booby :: Booby (n.) A species of penguin of the antarctic seas.
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