Definition of zincous

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Zincous (a.) Of or pertaining to the positive pole of a galvanic battery; electro-positive.

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Chlorous :: Chlorous (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, the electro-negative character of chlorine; hence, electro-negative; -- opposed to basylous or zincous..
Zincoid :: Zincoid (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, zinc; -- said of the electricity of the zincous plate in connection with a copper plate in a voltaic circle; also, designating the positive pole..
Zincous :: Zincous (a.) Hence, formerly, basic, basylous, as opposed to chlorous..
Zincic :: Zincic (a.) Pertaining to, containing, or resembling, zinc; zincous..
Zincous :: Zincous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, zinc; zincic; as, zincous salts..
Zincous :: Zincous (a.) Of or pertaining to the positive pole of a galvanic battery; electro-positive.
Zinco-polar :: Zinco-polar (a.) Electrically polarized like the surface of the zinc presented to the acid in a battery, which has zincous affinity..
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