Definition of blustering

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Blustering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bluste.

Lern More About Blustering

Huffcap :: Huffcap (a.) Blustering; swaggering.
Blusteringly :: Blusteringly (adv.) In a blustering manner.
Bully :: Bully (a.) Jovial and blustering; dashing.
Blusterous :: Blusterous (a.) Inclined to bluster; given to blustering; blustering.
Drawcansir :: Drawcansir (n.) A blustering, bullying fellow; a pot-valiant braggart; a bully..
Blatterer :: Blatterer (n.) One who blatters; a babbler; a noisy, blustering boaster..
Hector :: Hector (n.) A bully; a blustering, turbulent, insolent, fellow; one who vexes or provokes..
Dash :: Dash (n.) A vain show; a blustering parade; a flourish; as, to make or cut a great dash..
Hectorly :: Hectorly (a.) Resembling a hector; blustering; insolent; taunting.
Splurge :: Splurge (n.) A blustering demonstration, or great effort; a great display..
Bluster :: Bluster (v. t.) To utter, or do, with noisy violence; to force by blustering; to bully..
Huffish :: Huffish (a.) Disposed to be blustering or arrogant; petulant.
Roisterly :: Roisterly (a.) Blustering; violent.
Swash :: Swash (n.) A blustering noise; a swaggering behavior.
Swashing :: Swasher (n.) One who makes a blustering show of valor or force of arms.
Bigly :: Bigly (a.) In a tumid, swelling, blustering manner; haughtily; violently..
Blatherskite :: Blatherskite (n.) A blustering, talkative fellow..
Blustering :: Blustering (a.) Uttering noisy threats; noisy and swaggering; boisterous.
Bully :: Bully (n.) A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome; an insolent, tyrannical fellow..
Roisterer :: Roisterer (n.) A blustering, turbulent fellow..
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