Definition of wisher

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Wisher (n.) One who wishes or desires; one who expresses a wish.

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Ill-wisher :: Ill-wisher (n.) One who wishes ill to another; an enemy.
Friend :: Friend (n.) One who entertains for another such sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection that he seeks his society aud welfare; a wellwisher; an intimate associate; sometimes, an attendant..
Foe :: Foe (n.) One who opposes on principle; an opponent; an adversary; an ill-wisher; as, a foe to religion..
Wellwisher :: Wellwisher (n.) One who wishes another well; one who is benevolently or friendlily inclined.
Favorer :: Favorer (n.) One who favors; one who regards with kindness or friendship; a well-wisher; one who assists or promotes success or prosperity.
Wisher :: Wisher (n.) One who wishes or desires; one who expresses a wish.
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