Definition of winnowing

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Winnowing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Winne.

Lern More About Winnowing

Winnower :: Winnower (n.) One who, or that which, winnows; specifically, a winnowing machine..
Chaff :: Chaff (n.) The glumes or husks of grains and grasses separated from the seed by threshing and winnowing, etc..
Winnowing :: Winnowing (n.) The act of one who, or that which, winnows..
Wing :: Wing (n.) Anything which agitates the air as a wing does, or which is put in winglike motion by the action of the air, as a fan or vane for winnowing grain, the vane or sail of a windmill, etc..
Van :: Van (n.) A fan or other contrivance, as a sieve, for winnowing grain..
Willow :: Willow (n.) A machine in which cotton or wool is opened and cleansed by the action of long spikes projecting from a drum which revolves within a box studded with similar spikes; -- probably so called from having been originally a cylindrical cage made of willow rods, though some derive the term from winnow, as denoting the winnowing, or cleansing, action of the machine. Called also willy, twilly, twilly devil, and devil..
Winnowing :: Winnowing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Winne.
Fan :: Fan (n.) An instrument for winnowing grain, by moving which the grain is tossed and agitated, and the chaff is separated and blown away..
Ventilation :: Ventilation (n.) The act of fanning, or winnowing, for the purpose of separating chaff and dust from the grain..
Fan :: Fan (n.) Any revolving vane or vanes used for producing currents of air, in winnowing grain, blowing a fire, ventilation, etc., or for checking rapid motion by the resistance of the air; a fan blower; a fan wheel..
Tailing :: Tailing (n.) The lighter parts of grain separated from the seed threshing and winnowing; chaff.
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